Thursday, November 5, 2009

October 2009 (news)

Miami, Florida - At the Marriott Wyndham Airport Hotel in Miami, Patrick conducted a two hour seminar on savvy leadership for the young adults that flew in from all over the United States for a conference organized for young Maronite Catholics. During the seminar, Patrick discussed how to create organizations using the Jumpstart method and also how to motivate people to stay in the organization.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

September 2009 (news)

Orlando, Florida - Patrick conducted a two day seminar at the USJC National Convention teaching advanced communications skills for presenters and trainers. Participants from all over the United States attended the seminar and practiced conducting their own half hour training seminars on the second day of the course.

Monday, September 7, 2009

August 2009 (news)

Miami Beach, Florida - Patrick conducted a two day course on advanced training/facilitation skills. The course focused on how adults learn, the different learning styles of participants and how a trainer can make sure that the seminar is interactive and dynamic. Participants came from all over South Florida to attend the course - from Hollywood to the Keys.

Hollywood, Florida - The one day Dynamic Presentations course was conducted by Patrick for the Hollywood Jr. Chamber of Commerce. Theory and application, discussion and feedback were combined with each participant doing 4-6 presentations in the class.

Friday, August 7, 2009

July 2009 (news)

Boston, Massachusetts - Patrick was the keynote speaker at the 2009 NACM Annual Convention in Boston. NACM is the National Association for Court Management and the conference was attended by judges, trial court administrators, clerk of courts and other court management employees from around the United States. After the morning keynote presentation, Patrick facilitated an afternoon workshop to discuss additional tips and techniques from the Positive Seduction seminar presented at the conference. See video below:

Breaking News: Patrick has just become a business mentor for University of Illinois college students as part of the College of Business Alumni Mentors Program, which brings students and alumni together for an exchange of information on education, professionalism, aspirations and ideas. It allows students to obtain valuable advice and insights from business alumni and allows alumni to aid students in becoming professionals in service to society and the College of Business. Participants in the program must be College of Business alumni. Patrick graduated from the University of Illinois in 1994 with a degree in accounting.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

June 2009 (news)

Budapest, Hungary - Patrick was invited to conduct multiple seminars at the European Leadership Conference in Budapest June 8 - 14. First, Patrick led a multi-day seminar teaching high level speakers/trainers how to design interactive seminars and courses that utilize adult learning techniques and keep the audience involved. Then, he taught "Do You Want to Get Lucky?" to over 100 participants who learned how to take their ideas and create opportunities to make things happen. Finally, Patrick conducted a "Head Trainer" course teaching advanced speakers and trainers how to conduct multi-day courses with co-trainers while providing effective feedback and keeping continuity in the course. The experience was fantastic and the city was beautiful.

Marathon, Florida - Patrick conducted a focused workshop in the Keys on how to develop better presentation skills. The workshop was organized by the Marathon Jr. Chamber of Commerce and was attended by attorneys, pastors, sales people and other young professionals looking to improve their speaking skills.

Monday, June 15, 2009

May 2009 (news)

San Juan, Puerto Rico - Patrick was a key presenter at the Americas Leadership Conference in San Juan. During the conference, he taught leaders from around the Americas how to jumpstart their organizations utilizing a different approach to leadership that gets your target audience to chase you rather than vice-versa. While in Puerto Rico, Patrick also conducted a seminar for aspiring high level speakers and trainers discussing advanced presentation techniques, which was followed by a trainer's open forum to discuss new issues in the speaking world.

Monday, May 18, 2009

April 2009 (news)

Breaking News: Patrick has been selected as a keynote speaker at the 2009 national conference for the National Association of Court Management (NACM)in Boston, MA. Patrick will discuss Leadership as Positive Seduction for the trial court administrators, court staff and managers from around the country. For more information or to visit the conference site, click here:

In addition, Patrick has become affiliated with the Council for International Visitors (CIV) in Miami. As the official South Florida host for the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, the CIV welcomes hundreds of distinguished foreign visitors every year. We arrange their professional itineraries where they'll meet with their U.S. counterparts and share best practices, and CIV members are given the opportunity to invite a foreign visitor to dine in their home or a local restaurant thus acting as citizen diplomats. For more information, visit

Thursday, April 23, 2009

March 2009 (news)

Miami, Florida – Patrick conducted a Dynamic Presentations seminar at Morrison Brown Argiz and Farra, LLP, an accounting firm in Miami’s financial district. This is the second year in a row that Patrick has given the seminar at this office.

Crystal River, Florida - Patrick was a featured trainer at the USJC National Convention with attendees from all over the United States. The seminar taught the nuts and bolts of non-profit management from a values-based perspective.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009 (news)

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Patrick Knight was a featured speaker during an International Networking Week event for Broward BNI. The event, held at the Ft. Lauderdale Signature Grand Hotel, was the largest BNI event in the world with nearly 700 business professionals in attendance. Other featured speakers included the CEO of the Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce and the Vice-President of Junior Achievement. Patrick presented various techniques and strategies for networking and creating business referrals on a global scale.

Friday, February 20, 2009

January 2009 (news)

Breaking News: Patrick Knight is appointed JCI Training Certification Commissioner for the Americas. JCI is a world-wide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs dedicated to creating positive change and providing development opportunity to young professionals. The JCI Training Certification Commission is made up of five people from around the world who are responsible for monitoring and certifying new local, national and international trainers. Patrick is responsible for all trainers in North and South America, Central America and the Caribbean. The other members of the Commission come from Portugal, Macao, Togo and the Netherlands. For more information, click here:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Archives 2008 (news blurbs)

December 2008
Breaking News: Patrick Knight, author of the children’s book called The Little Knight’s Painting Place, just held the kick-off book signing event at the Bookstore in the Grove. The book reading was attended by more than 60 people and nearly 80 books were sold at this first event held in Coconut Grove (Miami, Florida). The book is also available on-line at:

November 2008
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts the Jumpstart Your Organization in Miami.

October 2008
Paramaribo, Suriname – Patrick was invited to a leadership conference in Suriname for young leaders in both government and private industries of Suriname. Patrick stayed for one week and offered five seminars: Positive Seduction, Design the Future, Blending the Intergenerational Workplace, Succession Planning and Critical Analysis in Project Planning.

August 2008
Mainz, Germany - Patrick conducts two day leadership course consisting of values-based management and inspirational leadership strategies. Attendees came from many different types of companies around Germany to participate in this interactive seminar.

July 2008
New York City, New York – Patrick was invited for the sixth year in row to be a featured presenter at the Metropolitan Networking Conference for young leaders in New York City. Patrick conducted a two day leadership course and a three hour seminar about the use of technology in management and communication

June 2008
Miami, Florida – Patrick Knight selected to be featured speaker at Miami Leadership Summit held at the Mayfair Hotel in Coconut Grove. Young leaders and entrepreneurs from around Florida attended the event.

May 2008
Panama City, Panama – Patrick is invited to Panama for a third time as a featured speaker and presenter. At the Leadership Conference of the Americas held in Panama City, Patrick presents three seminars: Dynamic Presentations, Train-the-Trainer and Do You Want to Get Lucky? Attendees of the conference came from over 20 countries around the Americas and the Caribbean.

April 2008
Tegucigalpa, Honduras – Patrick presented a one day communications course in Spanish on how to give dynamic presentations. After the seminar, Patrick was interviewed by the television station Channel 5 in Honduras regarding a few tips for better presentations.

March 2008
Georgetown, Guyana – Patrick travels to Georgetown to present a full day seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for various government officials and employees in Guyana, including the Minister of Tourism for Guyana. Prior to the seminar, Patrick was interviewed on the local news radio station for Guyana and after the seminar, Patrick gave a television interview regarding CSR.

St. Vincent & the Grenadine Islands – Patrick conducts a full day seminar for the Chamber of Commerce & Industry in St. Vincent to discuss Corporate Social Responsibility in the Caribbean and its relation to CARICOM. After the seminar, Patrick was interviewed by a local news station to discuss the importance of CSR for Caribbean industries.

February 2008
Miami, Florida - Patrick is selected to run a pilot test of the new JCI Admin course, which is a management course for young leaders on a non-profit board of directors.

January 2008
Miami, Florida – Patrick gives a Dynamic Presentations seminar at Morrison Brown Argiz and Farra, LLP, an accounting firm in Miami’s financial district.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Archives 2007 (news blurbs)

December 2007
Breaking News: Patrick Knight is given the designation as International Training Fellow #102, which is the highest certification level that can be attained in the JCI Training Institute. Patrick is only the 102nd person to have attained that certification level in the history of the JCI Training Institute. To be certified at that level, a trainer must have conducted over 100 hours of training with 50 of those hours having been conducted in other countries. In addition, the trainer must submit a trainer’s guide and participant manual for a one hour seminar and a three hour seminar. The JCI certification commissioners then certify the trainer only if the programs are deemed to be of the highest quality for seminars.

Ponta Vedre, Florida – Patrick was invited to present three seminars at the Winter Judicial Conference for Florida judges and the Administrative Office of the Courts. At the conference, he conducted the following seminars:

Blending the Intergenerational Workplace, Positive Seduction and Design the Future: Lateral Thinking for Creative Leaders.

Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts Non-Profit Management training for young civic leaders in Miami.

November 2007
Antalya, Turkey – Patrick was invited to present a seminar at the JCI World Congress where several thousand attendees came from more than 80 different countries around the world. Patrick was one of the main speaker/trainers at this leadership conference held in Turkey and he conducted the seminar: Positive Seduction. More than 125 people attended this seminar, which was the largest turn-out of any trainer at the conference

October 2007
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles – Patrick conducts two day leadership course consisting of values-based management and inspirational leadership strategies. After the course, Patrick went to an ostrich farm in Curacao where he rode an ostrich bare-back.

September 2007
Miami, Florida – Patrick is the head trainer for the JCI Designer course, which is a three day course geared toward top level trainers teaching advanced techniques for designing and writing training seminars.

Omaha, Nebraska – At the USJC National Convention, Patrick is the head trainer for the JCI Designer course, which is a three day course geared toward top level trainers teaching advanced techniques for designing and writing training seminars. This is the second time this month that Patrick conducted this course and trainers from all over the country came to Omaha for the program.

August 2007
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts a two day ethical leadership course in Miami for young professionals and leaders of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce.

July 2007
Breaking News: Patrick was the Conference Director for the Metropolitan Networking Conference in Atlanta, GA. Young leaders and professionals from major cities all over the United States, along with attendees from every continent around the world came to Atlanta for the event, which was the largest Met-Net conference in the 20 year history of the event. In addition to being the chairman of the conference, Patrick presented the seminar: Winning Arguments, Don’t Argue to Win, Argue to Win ‘em Over.

June 2007
Bradenton, Florida – Patrick recently gave back-to-back presentations of the Positive Seduction seminar for the Trial Court Administration staff, management and some judges in the Bradenton area.

May 2007
Breaking News: Patrick Knight has just published Metro Synergy, which is a 60 page compilation of the top projects and events being organized by civic leadership organizations in large metropolitan cities around the world. From conferences to mentor programs, this manual can provide inspiration and new ideas for your organization.

April 2007
Miami, Florida - Patrick conducts the Train-the-Trainer course for young aspiring speakers and trainers in Miami looking to sharpen their presentation skills. The course lasted two days and included presentations by each participant.

Chicago, Illinois – Patrick returns to his hometown to conduct the Positive Seduction seminar for young professionals and leaders in Chicago.

Tampa, Florida - Patrick conducts one day Non-Profit Management training seminar for young civic leaders in Tampa.

March 2007
St. Louis, Missouri – At the USJC National Convention, Patrick conducts the seminar: Do You Want to Get Lucky? (Creating Your Own Opportunities).

Seattle, Washington - Patrick conducts two day leadership course consisting of
values-based management and inspirational leadership strategies.

February 2007
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts a three hour seminar for the Miami Trial Court Administration entitled Positive Seduction. The Miami TCA is the administrative branch of the judiciary, which supports the local court system in Miami.

January 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Patrick Knight is invited back for a fourth time to be a featured trainer at the United States Leadership Summit in Tulsa speaking to leaders of organizations for young professionals.

Jacksonville, Florida – Patrick was invited as a featured speaker at the Winter Judicial Conference for Florida judges and the Administrative Office of the Courts. He conducted a seminar entitled: Succession Planning, Plan for Success.

Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts leadership seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Archives 2006 (news blurbs)

December 2006
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts a three hour seminar for the Miami Trial Court Administration on Succession Planning. The Miami TCA is the administrative branch of the judiciary, which supports the local court system in Miami.

November 2006
Breaking News: Patrick Knight is chosen to be the Metropolitan Networking
Conference Director for 2007. His roles as Director involve organizing and promoting the conference to young leaders and entrepreneurs in metro cities world-wide. The conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia in July 2007.

October 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii – Patrick is invited to Hawaii to give four hour seminar of the Jumpstart Your Organization program for young professionals from around the various islands.

September 2006
Drammen, Norway – Patrick conducts two day leadership course consisting of values-based management and inspirational leadership strategies.

Miami, Florida – Patrick presents seminar on Critical Analysis in Project Management.

August 2006
Atlanta, Georgia – Patrick conducts the Train-the-Trainer course for young aspiring speakers and trainers in Atlanta looking to sharpen their presentation skills. The course lasted two days and included presentations by each participant.

July 2006
St. Louis, Missouri – Patrick presents the seminar Jumpstart Your Organization at the Metropolitan Networking Conference for young leaders coming from metro cities around the world.

Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts the Positive Seduction seminar in Miami, Florida.

Raleigh, North Carolina – Patrick is invited back to Raleigh to conduct two day leadership course for young female entrepreneurs in North Carolina.

June 2006
Tallinn, Estonia – Patrick conducts two seminars at the European Leaders Conference: Positive Seduction and Jumpstart Your Organization. Attendees of the seminar included people from over 15 different countries in Europe.

May 2006
Guadaloupe, French Caribbean – Patrick conducts two seminars at the Leadership Conference of the Americas: Positive Seduction and Jumpstart Your Organization. Both seminars saw the largest attendance of any trainer at the conference.

April 2006
Aalborg, Denmark – Patrick is selected as one of three trainers from around the world to test the pilot program for the new JCI Designer course, which is a three day course geared toward top level trainers teaching advanced techniques for designing and writing training seminars. Along with trainers from South Korea and Turkey, Patrick was selected to test this new course internationally.

March 2006
Miami, Florida - Patrick conducts the Train-the-Trainer course for young aspiring speakers and trainers in Miami looking to sharpen their presentation skills. The course lasted two days and included presentations by each participant.

February 2006
Seattle, Washington – Patrick conducts the Jumpstart Your Chapter seminar for young leaders in Seattle.

January 2006
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Patrick Knight is invited back for a third time to be a featured trainer at the United States Leadership Summit in Tulsa speaking to leaders of organizations for young professionals.

Key West, Florida – Patrick conducts seminar on People-Focused Management and Leadership.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Archives 2005 (news blurbs)

December 2005
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts CEO Skills seminar for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders in Miami.

November 2005
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts seminar on Critical Analysis in Project Management.

October 2005
Miami Beach, Florida – Patrick conducts the Be S.A.F.E.R. train-the-trainer course for homeland security. The seminar was held for the police officers of the Miami Beach Police Department.

Vienna, Austria – Patrick is trainer for a leadership train-the-trainer course in Austria in order to develop new leadership trainers for that country.

August 2005
Panama City, Panama – Patrick is the lead trainer for a two day Train-the-Trainer course presented in Spanish.

University of Louisville – Patrick presented a seminar on values-based leadership at the Panama campus for the university.

July 2005
New Orleans, Louisiana – Patrick presents a seminar at the Metropolitan Networking Conference entitled Attaining Professionalism.

June 2005
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts the Jumpstart Your Organization seminar for young professionals.

May 2005
Breaking News: Patrick Knight becomes one of the youngest attorneys in Florida to achieve Board Certification as Civil Trial Attorney. In order to obtain certification, an attorney must conduct a certain number of jury trials, attend 50 hours of advanced continuing legal education and pass a written test on advanced civil litigation topics.

April 2005
St. Lucia, West Indies - Patrick conducts a two day leadership course for young
professionals interested in ethical and values-based leadership.

March 2005
Reno, Nevada – Patrick is the head trainer at the Western Police Consortium, which is a conference for the top level police officers and administration for the seven western states that make up the Western Police Consortium. Patrick conducts the Be S.A.F.E.R. train-the-trainer course for homeland security.

Daytona, Florida - Patrick conducts a seminar at the USJC National Covention on recruiting and motivating your people.

February 2005
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Patrick presents seminar on communication at Women’s Correctional Institute in Louisiana as part of a special initiative to educate prisoners.

Miami, Florida - Patrick conducts two day Train-the-Trainer course in Miami.

January 2005
Breaking News: Patrick releases second edition of the Jumpstart Your Organization manual, which illustrates how to recruit, attract and retain members and employees in your organization.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Archives 2004 (news blurbs)

November 2004
Miami, Florida – Patrick Knight is guest lecturer at Florida International University on Civic Empowerment and Non-Profit Leadership.

Sandnes, Norway – Patrick conducts leadership seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization.

October 2004
Aruba – Patrick conducts three day leadership course for young professionals in Aruba at a leadership conference for the Dutch Caribbean.

August 2004
Orlando, Florida – Patrick conducts communications course in Orlando.

July 2004
New York City, New York – Patrick facilitates Strategic Planning Session for civic leadership group.

Merritt Island, Florida – Patrick presents Recruiting and Retention of Associates.

May 2004
Boca Raton, Florida – Patrick trains the Florida Police Department in a Train the Trainer’s Course for Be S.A.F.E.R., a homeland security course.

Tampa, Florida – Patrick conducts Corporate Brand and Market Position presentation at leadership conference for young professionals.

April 2004
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Patrick conducts two day leadership course in Spanish at the JCI Conference of the Americas.

West Palm Beach, Florida – Patrick conducts Jumpstart Your Organization seminar.

March 2004
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Patrick presents three seminars at USJC National Convention: Jumpstart Your Organization, Design the Future and Positive Seduction.

February 2004
Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts two day Train-the-Trainer course in Miami.

Hollywood, Florida – Patrick conducts Art of Argument seminar.

Aventura, Florida – Patrick presents Roar Like a Lion seminar on public speaking.

January 2004
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Patrick Knight is featured trainer at the United States Leadership Summit in Tulsa speaking to leaders of organizations for young professionals.

Tampa, Florida – Patrick presents seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – Patrick conducts two day seminar in Spanish for leadership skills, ethics and values based recruitment.

Vero Beach, Florida – Patrick presents seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Archives 2003 (news blurbs)

December 2003
Portland, Oregon – Patrick Knight conducts Jumpstart Your Organization seminar.

November 2003
Copenhagen, Denmark – Patrick is trainer for LEAD course at JCI World Congress with participants from countries all over the world.

Phoenix, Arizona – Patrick conducts seminar in Phoenix for young lawyers and other professionals in the Art of Argument and Debate.

October 2003
Breaking News: Patrick has just published Legal Issues for Non-Profit Leaders, which is a 40 page manual discussing various legal situations and loop-holes that you should know about if you are a president of a non-profit.

September 2003
Anaheim, California – Patrick Knight is keynote speaker at USJC National Convention in Anaheim with over 400 people attending his session.

August 2003
Grand Rapids, Michigan – Patrick Knight is keynote speaker at Michigan convention for young professionals and business leaders.

Daytona, Florida – Patrick Knight is an Hour of Power keynote speaker at convention.

July 2003
Breaking News: Patrick Knight is nominated for the prestigious United Way Award for Professionalism and Volunteerism in Miami.

Birmingham, Alabama – Patrick Knight is keynote speaker at Alabama Leadership Conference.

June 2003
Breaking News: Patrick Knight is presented with the Key to the City by Miami Beach Vice Mayor Luis Garcia after organizing the Miami Leadership Conference in Miami Beach.

May 2003
Edmonton, Canada – Patrick conducts two day ethical leadership course in Canada at the Leadership Conference of the Americas.

Miami, Florida – Patrick Knight is guest lecturer at Florida International University on Civic Empowerment and Leadership.

April 2003
Breaking News: Two years in a row!!! Patrick Knight, President of the Coconut Grove Junior Chamber of Commerce in Miami accepts award for the organization as the Most Outstanding Jr. Chamber of Commerce in the United States. The award was presented in Dallas, Texas.

Topeka, Kansas – Patrick is keynote speaker at a Leadership Conference in Kansas.

Miami, Florida – Patrick conducts two day Train the Trainer course in Miami.

March 2003
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Patrick conducts leadership seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization.

Dallas, Texas – Patrick presents Leadership in Business course at USJC National Convention and gives speech to over 1,000 people during a general session. During the speech, Patrick teaches the audience about the first rule of holes: when you are in one, stop digging.

Chicago, Illinois – Patrick is featured speaker at Metropolitan Networking Conference for young professionals presenting The Legal Eagle.

February 2003
Atlanta, Georgia – Patrick Knight conducts business management workshops for young professionals in Atlanta.

Raleigh, North Carolina – Patrick Knight travels to Raleigh for leadership seminar.

January 2003
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Patrick Knight is featured trainer at the United States Leadership Summit in Tulsa speaking to leaders of organizations for young professionals.

Key West, Florida – Patrick Knight teaches two day leadership course to seven local presidents of leadership organizations in South Florida. The intense workshops were focused on values-based leadership.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Archives 2002 (news blurbs)

December 2002
Nashville, Tennessee - Patrick was one of the featured presenters at the State Leaders Retreat in Nashville. The topic was legal issues in business and management.

November 2002
Las Vegas, Nevada - At the JCI World Congress, Patrick was one of the assistant trainers for the LEAD program, a two day course on leadership and ethics. Over 180 people attended the course at the MGM Grand Hotel.

September 2002
San Juan, Puerto Rico – Patrick traveled to Puerto Rico to present a seminar in Spanish on how to get your business or organization more involved in the community.

August 2002
Miami, Florida – Patrick presents seminar: Jumpstart Your Organization to young professionals in Miami.

June 2002
Breaking News: Patrick Knight named Most Outstanding JCI Leader in the Americas at the Conference of the Americas!!!

May 2002
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – Speaking to young entrepreneurs, Patrick held an interactive seminar teaching the participants how to create effective business plans.

April 2002
Breaking News: Patrick Knight named to the 2002 Edition of Who’s Who of Young Attorneys in the United States.

March 2002
Breaking News: Patrick Knight, President of the Coconut Grove Junior Chamber of Commerce in Miami accepts award for the organization as the Most Outstanding Jr. Chamber of Commerce in the United States. The award was presented in Tulsa, Oklahoma.