Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March 2014 (news)

Tallinn, Estonia
 - Patrick presented a seminar at the University of Tallinn as part of the BeWise Lecture Series. The seminar was called: "Do You Want to Get Lucky? (Creating Your Own Opportunities)." About 70 students attended the seminar held on St. Patrick's Day at the university.

Roosta, Estonia - Patrick was the head trainer of the JCI COC Academy in Roosta. COC stands for Conference Organizing Committee and the Academy showed participants how to organize large scale conferences, including leading you COC team, logistics and sponsorship strategies, event management and conference execution. The Academy hosted people from Europe, Africa, North America and South America.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Patrick spoke at the inaugural Spiritual Care Network luncheon as the keynote speaker. Psychologists, spiritual leaders, coaches, therapists and others gathered for a networking event and heard Patrick discuss overcoming tragedy and adversity.

January/February 2014 (news)

West Palm Beach, Florida - Patrick presented a one hour seminar to the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office entitled: "A Victim's Perspective . . . from someone who also happens to be a lawyer". He spoke to about 100 assistant state attorneys about how to interact and manage the victims and witnesses in their cases. Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg had wonderful things to say about the presentation noting that it was both inspiring and practical with a fresh perspective on these issues.